There are a few misconception about Female Genital Mutilation:

FGM is an African problem
FGM is a religious demand
FGM is an islamic issue
FGM is limited problem

Here the truth:

FGM is widely practiced all over the world: traditionally in Africa, South- East Asia, Middle East, South America, Australia. In addition, immigration has spread FGM in the Diaspora.  
FGM is not a religious demand
FGM is practiced within different religious beliefs
FGM has a huge impact: 200 millions of women have undergone FGM during their lifetime and 86 millions of girls are at risk in the next 15 years. 

I have met activists, religious leaders, artists, survivors, doctors, lawyers, journalists, teachers to collect information about FGM in different countries in the world a confront them to understand possible ways to eradicate FGM in societies.  

I'm an artist and educator so I use Art and Education to End FGM. 
The UN has recently stated that FGM is child abuse and I personally believe that any form of violence is the product of our cultures and that only through a cultural revolution it can be eradicated. Education, in the first place, should be the key to change and raise a new generation of girls and boys capable to build a world FREE of  FGM and all form of GBV.

We are two generations on this journey to make a difference.
As a mother I've always raised my daughters to think different, to break taboos and stereotypes that trap our societies, to encourage a sense of critic, to do something that can make impact because after all we share the same journey and we need to make it worth it.

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